Monday, June 25, 2012

A Few Good Men

I want to take a moment to thank all the dudes out there who read this blog. Sure, lovely bitches make up the majority of my readers; however, it makes me happy to know that at least a handful or more men are reading what I have to say as well. 

Yes, upon first glance this blog appears overly feminine - the title alone probably dissuades a lot of guys from ever daring to read any further. But the feminine look is simply due to the fact that this blog was initially started for all my female friends who needed and asked for my cooking advice. I made the blog appeal to the people who were my guaranteed readers. 

But as you probably (hopefully) noticed by now, the topics I write about are gender neutral. Everyone should know how to defrost meat safely, identify hydrogenated oils, and have easy access to delicious and nutritious recipes. So thank you, men, for taking the time to read past the word "bitches" and read up on food-related issues that are relevant to you too. 

All that said, I only have one complaint about my male readers: I have yet to receive any questions from you! My gal pals send emails, or comment on posts, with questions about shopping, preparing, and cooking healthy food; and I try my best to answer. Perhaps the men are intimidated to ask. Perhaps they don't want to know a healthier way to make buffalo chicken wings...or maybe they do. But men, if you never ask, there is no guarantee that I will share a recipe or answer a question you may be especially interested in knowing. 

So, to the few good men out there who read this blog: What are your food-related questions? What recipes do you want to learn? Even though "bitches" is in the title, I want everyone to get as much out of this blog as possible! 

Don't be shy! Comment on this post or email me at

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gina - I'm on a chipotle pepper kick - any recipe ideas? Much appreciated!!
