Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What To Make With Whatcha Got

Last week was insanely busy for me (hence the lack of blog posts) - SO busy in fact, that I didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping...at all. Luckily, my freezer was fairly stocked with leftovers (at some point I'll write a post solely about the wonderful world of freezing food) and well equipped with the staple pantry items from my "Get It. Go it? Good!" post. Did anyone else actually go to the supermarket and stock up on these items? I'll probably never know. But for those of you who have yet to buy any of the foods from my list, I would like to reiterate that these staple items are especially useful on nights when you're too tired to pull out a cookbook and be creative (or in my case, when you have nothing else in your fridge!). 

For those of you who did buy some (or all) of these staple items, and for those who find that after getting home from work you feel uninspired to cook a crazy new recipe, here are some "go-to" meals you can make using only your staple pantry items. These are by no means five star meals - the addition of some veggies or meat would make them much more exciting - but nonetheless these recipes are tasty, filling, and don't take very much cognitive power to make. I like to call them Recipes From Your Pantry: 

1. Pasta with Homemade Tomato Sauce
2. Bean and Cheese Quesadilla
3. Egg and Rice Bowl
4. Toasted Walnut Pasta
5. Peanut Butter Honey Wrap 

As written, using only staple pantry items and nothing else, these recipes are perfect for "desperate times call for desperate measures" situations...such as last week when I had no other food. Though the recipes aren't too exciting, it never hurts to have some ideas for what to make with whatcha got.

So... whatcha got? What sort of food do you normally keep in your fridge/freezer/pantry (aside from the wonderful list of goodies I told you to buy), that could possibly spice up some of the above recipes?

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