Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Super Salads to the Rescue!

I have a question for you all: have you ever eaten a salad for lunch (you know the kind - lettuce, some carrots, a little tomato and maybe some cucumber) and thought to yourself "huh. that was alright, but when do I actually get to eat"? We all (hopefully) strive to eat healthier, and when we think of "healthy eating", more often than not, we think: salad. It feels like we're being healthy when we eat a salad, but we don't always feel satisfied afterwards. Eating a salad should not feel like punishment or torture. Eating a salad should be enjoyable (as all eating should be). Personally, I'm a huge fan of salads, especially for lunch. They're quick to make, portable, don't require any microwave/heating source, and store really well (fridge or no fridge..just use an ice pack!). However, I don't eat just any type of salad - I specialize in grain or bean based salads. I like to call them my super salads. 

But what do I mean? What is a "grain or bean based salad"? I mean that instead of using wimpy looking romaine lettuce (that originated in California and has been on the road for 5 days before it even reaches your supermarket) as your main ingredient, you should use grains, beans, or lentils as the base of your salad. Then, add a variety of vegetables (raw, sauteed, roasted, or even grilled), dried fruit, fresh fruit, seeds, nuts, or cheese, and you've got yourself a damn fine and filling lunch or dinner!

In preparation of this post I've eaten a different kind of grain-based salad for lunch every day this week. And I must say that I've felt incredibly satisfied each and every day. These salads are filling, but won't make you feel stuffed. They provide the perfect midday energy boost that our bodies need after a few hours of work, and they'll help keep you going for hours after you've eaten lunch. Here are the "super salads" I made this week (but by all means, when you make your own, use whatever ingredients you have in your fridge/pantry - don't feel constricted to the ones I used):

Monday: Quinoa Salad (1/4 cup dry quinoa - cook according to package; 1-2 cups chopped raw veggies - broccoli, sweet potato, mushrooms; 2 tablespoons dried cranberries; 1 tablespoon crumbled gorgonzola cheese; Dressing = a little olive oil & balsamic vinegar)
Tuesday: Bulgur Salad (1/4 cup dry bulgur - cook according to package; 1-2 cups chopped raw veggies - broccoli, red pepper, avocado; 1 tablespoon minced jalapeno pepper; 1-2 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese; Dressing = a little olive oil & 1/4 of a lime, squeezed)
Wednesday: Barley Salad (1/4 cup dry barley - cook according to package; 1 cup roasted veggies - acorn squash, sweet potato, broccoli; 1 cup sauteed kale; 2 tablespoons roasted pumpkin/squash seeds; 1 tablespoon crumbled gorgonzola cheese; Dressing = a little olive oil & balsamic vinegar)
Thursday: Brown Rice Salad (1/4 cup dry brown rice - cook according to package; 2 cups roasted veggies - fennel, broccoli, sweet potato; 1/4 cup canned beets, chopped; 1 tablespoons roasted pumpkin seeds; 1 tablespoon golden raisins; 1 tablespoon crumbled feta cheese; Dressing = a little olive oil & apple cider vinegar)...yes, I already made this salad tonight, in preparation for tomorrow's lunch. I'm a huge proponent of planning meals in advance. 

As you can see, super easy to make super salads, right? To make life even easier, make a big batch of whatever kind of grain (or bean/lentil) you want at the beginning of the week, then every day add a different combination of ingredients to that grain! This is a fun way to get creative with your lunch :) Trust me, all your co-workers will be jealous of your super salad, as you sit there feeling pleasantly satiated. So tell me, have you ever made a super salad? And if so, what did you put in it? 

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