Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What To Make When You're Feeling Sick

It's hot, it's cold, it's raining, it's sunny, it was 53 degrees yesterday, and now it's snowing? This winter's weather has been nothing short of bizarre, unpredictable, and incredibly frustrating. And as a result of the weather's inability to make up its mind, many people (myself included) have been coming down with some sort of cold. Stuffy nose, sore throat, feeling as if you're coughing up a lung...yep, it's that time of year. As far as cooking yourself a delicious and nutritious meal is concerned...well, there is no consideration. Let's be honest, in your groggy and non-functional state of mind the last thing you want to do is cook. All you really want is for mommy or daddy to hug you, serve you homemade chicken soup, and tell you everything is going to be alright. Well, for those of us who have left the nest and are living as free birds, mommy ain't coming by with a bowl o' soup anytime soon! We have to improvise and take care of ourselves, independent of mom and dad's healing powers. What we need is a low-maintenance, tasty, nourishing, make-ya-feel-better-just-like-mom-and-dad-would recipe. I found the perfect one. 

Here's what to make when you're feeling sick: Ginger Tofu Soup (from the cookbook: Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health). For those of you meat-and-potato eaters who fear any form of protein that wasn't once alive, do not be scared by the title of this recipe. Yes, there is tofu in the soup. No, you will not die from eating it - if you haven't tried it, don't diss it. I love tofu, and though you may not, I promise this soup is a life saver (literally...I was SUPER sick for the past two weeks and when I finally decided to make this soup I felt better the next day). This is a comforting soup with a delicate (practically non-existent) taste of rice & tofu, rejuvenating flavor of ginger, and soothing warmth of the broth. The longest part of this recipe is waiting for the rice to cook, so plan ahead and start making the rice 45 minutes before you know you want to eat...go take a hot shower or somethin' while you wait. Other than that, this recipe is about as low-maintenance as they come.

What you need:
-2 cups chicken broth (the original recipe called for vegetable broth, but I wanted the "mommy made it" feel. I bought my broth from the store, but if you're feeling well enough to make your own broth or you have some in the fridge, go for it!)
-2 celery stalks, diced
-1 garlic clove, minced
-2 tablespoons of ginger, cut in thin strips
-1 tablespoon soy sauce
-roughly 3/4 cup tofu, cut into cubes
-1/2 cup cooked brown rice
-optional: 1-2 scallions, diced

Step #3
Here's what to do:
1. Make rice according to package
2. Heat broth in saucepan over stove & bring to boil
3. Add celery, garlic, ginger, and soy sauce, then reduce heat to low & simmer for 5 minutes

Step #4 and #5

4. Add tofu
5. Stir in rice --> simmer for another 5 or so minutes
6. Pour into bowl, top with scallions

To all of you suffering from a cold or flu, this soup is just the thing you need. But even if you're healthy and well, this is still a delicious, inexpensive, and quick dish to make any night of the week. I've found my new go-to recipe for when I'm feeling under the weather. It's certainly not the same thing I got when I was a kid...I might actually argue that it's even better.

What do you make when you're feeling sick?

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