Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Breakfast Before the Big Feast

This is just a friendly reminder to eat breakfast on Thanksgiving day! You may think that skipping breakfast makes up for that third helping of your favorite Turkey Day foods...but you are wrong. 

Eating something in the morning...anything...jumpstarts your metabolism and gets your body to start burning calories. So if you eat a second helping of stuffing and cranberry sauce, at least your body is prepared to burn off some of those extra calories. But skipping breakfast slows down your body's metabolism. That third slice of pumpkin pie is going to sit nicely on your hips because your body isn't in the mood to quickly burn any calories.

I encourage you to review my words of wisdom from last year, on how to have a delectable Thanksgiving without feeling disgusting the next day. But if there is one piece of advice you are going to heed to tomorrow, let it be to eat breakfast. A large breakfast is unnecessary - you just need to get a lil bit o' something to start your metabolism. Here are a few suggestions for a light, yet substantial Thanksgiving breakfast: 

-one egg (boiled or sauteed) on top of a whole wheat english muffin
-1 cup cooked oatmeal with 1/2 cup chopped fruit (banana, apples, frozen blueberries, etc.) and 2 tablespoons almonds
-1 slice of whole wheat toast topped with 1 tablespoon peanut butter (or almond butter) and 1/2 a banana 

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat well and be well!

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