Monday, September 30, 2013

The Rest of Summer

One more MIA post and then on to more exciting things. All I can say about the remainder of summer is that it flew by way too fast. I had SO much fun, ate so much delicious food, and made a ton of fantastic memories. July consisted of two particularly special events: a reunion with friends in Portland, ME and one of my best friend's weddings (in Franconia, NH). 

I cannot say much about the food that we made during our reunion weekend, because the food we ate out was just so superior to anything we made ourselves. We ate delectable lobstah rolls at the Portland Lobster Co, gorged ourselves with delicacies from Nosh, and of course, drank lots of wonderful Maine beers. 
Enjoying our Saturday night lobster roll dinner 
Then there was the wedding. A weekend of laughing, dancing, drinking, eating, and being in the presence of so much love it almost makes you cry. Admittedly I was not expecting the wedding food to be anything out of the ordinary--my previous experiences with wedding food consisted of really bad or too much to handle. But I was shocked by how delicious all of the wedding food was, particularly the cake. Kate and Kevin have set a VERY HIGH bar for all future weddings, and not just because their food was so damn good. The only word to describe their wedding: epic.
The newlyweds cut their cake
The first weekend of August was special (as always) because of Brendan's birthday. This year we spent the weekend on Cape Cod and celebrated with a New England style feast: homemade lobster rolls, corn on the cob, cucumber salad, potato salad, and Brendan's favorite birthday dessert combo: chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting, and mint chocolate chip ice cream (only Breyer's will do). A very delicious and successful 25th birthday.
Brendan's 25th Birthday Meal
For the rest of the summer we spent basically every weekend on the Cape, where we ate endless amounts of food prepared by my dad, mom, uncles, aunts, and the occasional meal out. Delicious food, but unfortunately I don't have any photos. However, I do have photos from two wonderful meals that Brendan and I made together, toward the end of August. The first was our end-of-summer grill meal: salmon (nothing on it except some black pepper and salt), shrimp (marinated in olive oil, pepper, salt, and lots of garlic), sweet potato fries, and cucumber saladThe second meal was a super quick dinner that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a low-hassle recipe--it's a quinoa salad that highlights some of summer's best produce, but can easily be modified to include fruits and veggies from whatever season we're in. 
Grilled salmon, grilled shrimp, grilled sweet potatoes
Quinoa Salad with Peaches, Arugula, and Quick-Pickled Onions
I was really terrible about documenting the meals I made this summer, just as I was awful at writing blog posts. But I promise to be better! I just started a graduate program in nutrition, which means cheap, healthy, and quick recipes are on their way...look out, because Brunch for Bitches is back in action!

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