Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why Bitches and Brunching?

You may be asking yourself the following questions: why use the term "bitches"? and what's so special about brunch? Here is my answer: 

What is a bitch? The dictionary definition of a bitch is: 1. a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter (who knew?). 2. [informal derogatory] a woman whom one dislikes or considers to be malicious or unpleasant. 

My definition of a bitch is: an assertive, authoritative, intellectually creative, sarcastically funny, kick-ass woman who many men (and sometimes women) find to be intimidating. I chose to empower the word bitch by using it in the title of this blog. If you've ever been called a bitch (I have! multiple times in fact), then take it as a compliment. It means you're just too much for the simple-minded and submissive people of the world to handle.

Why brunch? Breakfast AND lunch...come on, pure genius. Brunch is by far the most superior meal of them all. It is the perfect combination of sweet, salty, and savory foods. Bake a batch of muffins, scramble some eggs with onions, peppers & cheese, serve it all with a fresh fruit salad and voila! a delicious (and healthy!) brunch. There's nothing like getting together with a group of friends (side note: all my friends are bitches, I don't know about yours) at 11am on a Sunday, giving each other life updates and sharing ridiculous stories. And let's not forget that brunch-time is pretty much the only time when it is considered acceptable (at least in the US) to start drinking before noon. Mimosas at 10am? Sure, why not! Now do you understand why I chose brunch?

But, even though the title of this blog is Brunch for Bitches that does NOT mean I'm only going to write about recipes pertaining to brunch (however all the recipes DO pertain to bitches...and non-bitches, for those of you reading). The point of the blog is simply this: to give helpful and healthful tips for buying, cooking & eating food (including healthy recipes), as well as my two-sense on how to live a healthier life. 

Bon appetit to Brunch for Bitches! 

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